Thursday, July 7, 2011

Baby Got Back

I"M BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok i still have the red spandex shorts that I have yet to run in publicly and they are haunting me! Therefore, I have set a new, concrete, set-in-stone spandex date---SEPTEMBER 3rd!!!!!! I am signing up for the Salt Lake 1/2 marathon and will be wearing the red spandex shorts that show all my curves on my body! SCARY!!!!!! To get in shape I will be doing daily runs and p90x mixed with yoga! Hopefully this time things will actually turn out!!!!! Wish me luck.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Bleeding Love

Tonight I took a break from studying to go running. I was so sick of being inside all day that I took out my frustrations on the road. BAD IDEA. I only ran 3-4 miles tonight, but for some reason my body just kept revolting. I ended up throwing up about 3 times (just small amounts) and when I came home and took off my shoes I saw my sock was soaked with blood. oh dear....those stupid pain receptors really take their time kicking in sometimes.

On a POSITIVE note, I love, Love, LOVE running....especially since I make sure I go by the temple everytime. Tonight it was raining and cloudy, but for some reason that just made the temple even more beautiful...especially with the mountains towering behind it! I'm really going to miss my beautiful mountains when I leave! :(

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Rocking at the (Climbing) Gym

Ok so I haven't been running AS much recently because I've been going rock climbing like 4 nights a week for the past month and a half. My arms are getting stronger and toner though! Now it is time to work on the rest of the body! I've been doing some cycling recently and am trying to keep my running down to 2 miles a day. I don't want to train too hard like last year. Anyway. I've also started slacklining a little. So much fun! I set a goal to lose 20 lbs by May 1st. I hope I can do it! I'll keep you updated!

Friday, January 30, 2009

New Spandex date

Winter is adding on the pounds so I'm revolting by trying to take them setting a new spandex date. I'm setting it for April 1st and this time am going to run in broad daylight.(last time I chickened out and ran at night). And as a further incentive my next run will include pictures (yikes). I'm going to update my blog every week and say how many pounds I've lost...

And to people who actually read this, you don't really need to unless you are interested in my exercising rituals. This blog is really just so I can keep track of my progress.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Slight Edge-Nutritional View

An excerpt from "The Slight Edge" about nutrition and how little actions compounded over time can lead to big results...either positive or negative.

DO you know anyone who would eat a quart of Crisco or a pound of butter a day? Does anyone believe that's the way to good health? Of course not. Then why do we act like we do?

You know what you're supposed to eat. We all do. Fresh fruits and vegetables, complex carbs, salads, whole foods, lean meats, more fish and poultry than beef...You know it, I know it, we all know it. So why do so many of us still go out and chow down cheeseburgers and fries every day?

I'll tell you why: because it won't kill us. Not today.

If you ate a cheeseburger and immediately suffered a near-fatal heart attack, would you ever go near a cheeseburger again? I doubt it. It may take twenty or thirty years, but when you add up the compounded interest on all that high-fat, artery clogging dietary mayhem, eventually your poor overworked heart just quits, stops dead. And so do you. We dig our graves with our teeth.

It's easy to eat well. And it's easy not to.

It's not the one junk-food meal; it's the thousands, over time. Eating the burger is just a simple error in judgement. Either way, it's the Slight Edge at work--working for you or working against you.

Invisible results.

Why do you walk past the exercise bike? Because it's easy. If you don't exercise today, will that kill you? No, of course not. You know what you need to do to stay healthy and feel fit and live a long life. Get your heart rate up, a little over normal, for twenty minutes, three time a week. And it's easy to do.

But it's also easy not to do. And if you don't do it today, or tomorrow, or the next day, you won't suddenly drop dead, and you won't suddenly put on twenty pounds, and you won't suddenly lose all you muscle tone and flop around like a marionette with his strings cut off. But that simple error in judgement, compounded over time, will take you down and out.

It is the same with your health, your diet, your exercise, your financial habits, your knowledge, your relationships, your marriage. With anything and everything. With your life.

Friday, January 9, 2009

The Amazing Things Food Can Do

Ok this is one of my favorite articles of the week! I hope you enjoy it and start/ continue to eat healthy! (I shortened it a little. Check out the link for the full article)

Runners know that fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are good for us because they contain nutrients that fuel our runs and repair our muscles. But many of us might not realize that while each of these foods is individually nutritious, when they're paired with a complementary counterpart, they can provide more bang with every bite.

"Nature put nutrients in foods to act in synergy with each other," says Beth Reardon, M.S., R.D., a nutritionist at Duke Integrative Medicine in North Carolina. "When certain foods are eaten at the same time, their nutrients can work together in a way that provides unexpected health benefits." The following duos (and one trio) are perfect examples of how two (or more) can be better than one.

Red peppers + feta cheese

What it does: Cuts heart-disease risk.
Food science: Vividly colored vegetables (red peppers, tomatoes, carrots) are rich in carotenoids, powerful plant pigments that reduce the risk of heart disease. Add a bit of fat, and your veggies get even better, says Steven Schwartz, Ph.D., a professor of food science at Ohio State University. "Fat helps carotenoids become more soluble so they can be better absorbed in the intestine and passed into the bloodstream," he says. Schwartz and his colleagues found that people who ate a salad topped with avocado absorbed up to five times more carotenoids than eating the salad with nonfat dressing.
Put it together: Top your salad with a little fat, whether from feta cheese, avocado, or dressing. Or sauté vegetables in a tablespoon of olive oil or butter.

Rosemary + beef

What it does: Reduces compounds in grilled meat that may cause cancer.
Food science: Researchers at Kansas State University found that the antioxidants in rosemary inhibit the formation of carcinogenic compounds called heterocyclic amines (HCAs) that form when meat, fish, or poultry are cooked at high temperatures. The herb can reduce the level of the potentially harmful substances by more than half.
Put it together: Add rosemary to dry rubs or marinades, or mix into hamburger meat. Basil, oregano, sage and mint can also protect against HCAs.

Broccoli + fish + tomato

What it does: Slows cancer-cell growth.
Food science: Fish contains lots of selenium, a mineral that raises levels of a cancer-fighting enzyme; broccoli has sulforaphane, a chemical that boosts the same enzyme. When scientists combined the two nutrients, they discovered the pairing was 13 times more effective at slowing cancer-cell growth than when each was consumed individually. Add tomatoes and the news gets better: Animal studies show that prostate tumors grow less in males who eat broccoli and tomatoes in tandem rather than separately.
Put it together: Enjoy your grilled halibut, salmon, or tuna topped with a tomato salsa and a side of steamed broccoli. Or choose another cruciferous vegetable, such as cabbage or cauliflower.

Oatmeal + strawberries

What it does: Lowers the likelihood of stroke or heart attack.
Food science: Oats are rich in antioxidants called phenols, which keep free radicals from damaging LDL (so-called "bad" cholesterol). That's good news because the more stable LDL is, the less likely it is to stick to artery walls and cause a heart attack or stroke. Researchers at Tufts University found that these phenols work even harder in the presence of vitamin C (one cup of sliced strawberries provides more than 100 percent of your Daily Value), making LDL twice as secure as when the oat phenols are consumed alone.
Put it together: Have a bowl of high-fiber oatmeal topped with a few strawberries. Or instead of the berries, pour a glass of OJ to get the same benefits.

Eat better: Garlic and fennel both contain compounds that help prevent cancer; fennel can also defuse garlic breath. For more food pairings, visit

Friday, December 26, 2008

Move your Booty

I can't exercise without music. It is impossible. Usually I listen to upbeat hiphop music when I run because it is impossible to stay still when I listen to it. Recently I've been branching out a little bit. I've added a few songs for when I do yoga, strength training, and running (mamma mia)! Enjoy.